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Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Experiment

OK so I would like to be a billionaire. I know who wouldn't right?
Its not enough to say it you've got to take the actions to make it happen.
Well I have a Theory. And I am going to test my Theory tonight.
If my calculations are correct then tonight I will birth a brainchild worth BILLIONS of $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$. Now, I've done extensive research into the matter and I believe I have discovered the secret. With a little luck and a lot of Christ it will happen for me.

Tonight could be the night I birth the seed that will grow, bloom and blossom me into a Million-, excuse me, Billionaire. (Don't want to sell myself short) Now I am going to put you on. For free. I'm not going to sell you this secret. I am going to tell you what it takes. Because that's the kind of humanitarian I am. To coin a phrase "It ain't no fun if the Homies can't have none."

Below I am going to detail my detailed and ordered list of instructions to put you on the path to being a Billionaire along with me.

The first thing I am going to do is begin writing my next screenplay. A short. I need to be intoxicated. Now although I'm not heart-broken, I have been up 28 hours straight so I'm hoping I resemble a troubled I don't have any alcohol so I am in search of an equally appealing stimulant; while simultaneously blogging and watching "The Social Network"

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