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Monday, January 23, 2012


Haywire, is Soderbergh's spy epic...  "A black ops super soldier seeks payback after she is betrayed and set up during a mission."  

Per the spy book 101 its up to said super soldier to prove her own innocence. Failure to do so will usually result in charges of treason, ones being disavowed or death.  Its not an unfamiliar story. But one so many of us are fond of.  The thrill, the mystery, the what and the why. Who can be trusted?  So why Haywire and what's so different about it? 

The answer to that, is two more questions. The Who and the How.  First the how; one way, a more traditional approach I suppose, would be with numerous shoot-outs. Your Jason Bourne, or True Lies kind of spy.  Shoot first, shoot later, then after nobody's moving get around to asking a question or two.  These heroes have earned their place as Cinema Americana, but as a whole I feel audiences are steering away from those types of story arcs because they too closely resemble the real world.  And when real world atrocities are no longer discernible from the demented creations of a prolific story teller.  Then its probably time to adjust our storytelling.  Movies are meant to be an escape. Movies should mirror real life; Not be outdone by it.  

Newcomer to the big screen Gina Carano is stepping up to the plate in an attempt to put a new twist on this familiar tale.  Gina's special addition to the role is that she's a retired MMA fighter.  Definitely adding some great technical fighting scenes to the story of this Spy.  From the first scene in the movie you can see she's a fighter.  And not too shabby either.

On the whole, the movie has it slow points.  I found myself dosing off, asking when the next fight was coming up.  But when it did I definitely wasn't disappointed.  The plot wasn't overly convoluted and left me feeling satisfied.

If your up for a girl, who gets down and splits wigs... Go and see HAYWIRE

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