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Monday, September 26, 2011

A Difference of Opinion

Making movie magic is a collaborative effort.  It takes many, many different elements from many, many contributors to pull off successfully.  Even after a successful shoot. After the preparation, the planning, the execution.  After everybody plays their part and gets paid.  There still exists a possibility, for whatever reason, that the film will never see the light of day.  Sometimes for the best.

As a Writer, Director, and Filmmaker, I often have friends offer me suggestions about what they think would make a great sketch or a short.  And I'm always happy to listen.  I'm not so happy however, when I reject the idea but they can't seem to fathom why.  Now I have to deal with this conversation and headache. Because none of my matters of fact matter to you.  Because your only hearing "No".

Next thing I know I'm being accused of not liking the idea for the simple fact that it wasn't mine.  I assure you no conclusion could be further from the truth.  If I ever like any suggestion I give immediate credit, and inform you if I would use it.

I know funny. I'm talented and I'm capable.  That's why people bring ideas to me. Because I'm a Writer and Director.  So if you come to me with an idea; I'd appreciate it if you accepted my open and honest feedback.  So when I tell you your suggestion is a bad idea.... Maybe, just maybe you should trust my professional opinion.  Especially when we both know I know SUBSTANTIALLY more about this creative process than you do.  Agreed?


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