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Saturday, October 29, 2011

NY Comic Con 2011

Today I attended my first ever Comic Con. It was definitely awesome.
It officially starts tomorrow, but was open today for VIPs and press; If you're curious, I was the latter.  Best thing I saw today? An Xbox 360 in an R2D2 casing, being raffled off. (wish me luck) And I don't even want an Xbox. I prefer my Ps3.  All the same inexplicably cool.

This was my first Comic Con, but I can honestly say it won't be my last. We can thank my participation in Black Tribbles for my rapid swerve into the GEEK lane.  Had it not been for my podcast, I probably wouldn't have been turned on to this entire culture and new breed of people.
My fellow Tribbles are heavy into comics and Anime, and I am learning quickly. This medium isn't one I've had much interaction with. However there is much I can learn from it. Recognizable or not, believe you me, what I'm absorbing now will undoubtedly shape one or two future projects of mine.

The funniest part were my Co-Hosts accusations of turning Geek right in front of their eyes.  This is untrue. I merely opened up. All n all its great to be a geek. We all have those things we go geeky for.  What service do we do ourselves, to deny ourselves, that which we are into?  Because who knows what your seed of interest could bud into? What passion can sprout from that bud, into a dream. A dream into a career. A career to a future. And beyond.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of."
-I am Number Four

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